Articles and tutorials for Microsoft Teams

Articles (11)

Pinned Article Teams - Training - 101 & Scheduling Meetings

A comprehensive introduction to Microsoft Teams and the fundamentals of creating and managing meetings.

Teams - Adding and Removing Members

Add or remove members of a Microsoft Team

Teams - App Repair or Reset

Issues with something in Teams not displaying right? Lag? etc? Try these steps.

Teams - Attendance Reports

Where to find information about Teams attendance reports. Show who attended your meetings, when they joined and left, and more.

Teams - Breakout Rooms

Information and links for using Breakout rooms in Microsoft Teams meetings.

Teams - Channels

Think 'breakout rooms' within a Team. Teams can have standard, private, or shared channels.

Teams - Channels - Create a Channel for Student Interaction

A Team does not work the same for students as it does Faculty/Staff. To message and share files with students in a Team, they MUST be added to a specially made Channel.

Teams - Guest User Invitations for External Users

Instructions for Guest Users to accept invitations to the SUNY Delhi tenant.

Teams - Install

How to install Teams on a campus or personal computer & phone/tablet.

Teams - Polls

How to create a short, one-question poll in a Teams chat or meeting