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How to install Teams on a campus or personal computer & phone/tablet.
Think 'breakout rooms' within a Team. Teams can have standard, private, or shared channels.
How to create a short, one-question poll in a Teams chat or meeting
Where to find information about Teams attendance reports. Show who attended your meetings, when they joined and left, and more.
Information and links for using Breakout rooms in Microsoft Teams meetings.
A comprehensive introduction to Microsoft Teams and the fundamentals of creating and managing meetings.
Add or remove members of a Microsoft Team
Issues with something in Teams not displaying right? Lag? etc? Try these steps.
A Team does not work the same for students as it does Faculty/Staff. To message and share files with students in a Team, they MUST be added to a specially made Channel.
Instructions for Guest Users to accept invitations to the SUNY Delhi tenant.
Manage level of permissions for individual files, folders and pages within a SharePoint