Most services at SUNY Delhi use single sign on (SSO) and are connected to your username (ex: AB123 or lastnafm) or the full Delhi email. Use this page for help with various systems, including:
- Delhi single sign on (SSO)
- Microsoft accounts - email, SharePoint, OneDrive, etc.
- Bronco Web
- DegreeWorks
- Banner, Argos, Xtender, etc.
Common issues:
- I can't log in
- I'm locked out of my account
- I forgot my password
- I am receiving an error when trying to open or access something
Common requests:
- I need help changing or resetting my password
- Users cannot enter this for themselves, their supervisor or owner of the system/area must submit. I need to add, remove, or update access for an existing user. (Example: share drive permissions, Argos access, SkillSets Online account, etc).
⇒ Note: Department supervisors or administrative assistants submit the requests to create new users, update existing users (title, department, or supervisor changes), and depart users. Users are not able to submit these forms for themselves.
Additional Resources and How to Request:
See related articles for common troubleshooting solutions.
Click the Report Issue or Submit Request button.
Students: Reminder: Accounts Are Not Forever: Any student not registered for classes for the current or future semesters will have their account removed. This includes access to email, file shares, online course work and other campus systems. If you need to retain information, files, emails, contacts, etc. - make sure you forward or retain a personal copy.