Teams - Training - 101 & Scheduling Meetings


A comprehensive introduction to Microsoft Teams and the fundamentals of creating and managing meetings.



A comprehensive introduction to Microsoft Teams and the fundamentals of creating and managing meetings.

Table of contents:

1. Full Teams Training Video
2. Install Teams
3. Settings Recommendations
4. Chat vs Group Chat
5. Useful Features within Chat System
6. Creating and Using Teams
7. Creating and Scheduling Meetings on Teams
8. Replacement for Zoom Room & adding new link to your email signature
9. Navigating Teams Invitations & Using Outlook Calendar
10. Locating Recordings
11. Sharing Files via SharePoint
12. Teams vs Zoom & Notes on breakout rooms


Full Teams training video 

This video comprehensively covers all the topics outlined in the knowledge-based article and provides a detailed introduction to utilizing Teams effectively.

Install Teams

Teams settings recommendations

These are the recommended settings for Teams from Help Desk staff. 

Chat vs group chat


  • A one-on-one conversation between two people.
  • Private and typically used for direct communication where messages are seen only by the participants.
  • Can include text-based messages, files, and multimedia.

Group Chat:

  • A conversation among a group of people (up to 250 participants).
  • Similar to individual chats but includes multiple participants.
  • Messages are visible to all participants in the group chat.

Useful features within chat system

Microsoft Teams integrates file sharing, status options, and meeting scheduling and joining capabilities into one collaborative platform. See the video above to have a in depth look at the features that can be utilized within the chat. 

Creating and using Teams in Microsoft Teams


  • A collaboration workspace that brings together people, conversations, and content for group projects or ongoing teams within an organization.
  • Includes channels for organizing conversations by topic, department, or project.
  • Allows for integrated access to files, applications, and third-party services relevant to the team's goals.
  • Members can have different roles (like owners, members, guests) with varying permissions.
  • Provides a broader context for ongoing work and collaboration beyond simple messaging.
  • Ensures longevity of documents via SharePoint storage. Users may come and go, but the files stay.

How to create and schedule meetings on Teams

Creating and scheduling meetings on Teams streamlines collaboration by providing a centralized platform for organizing discussions, managing participant availability, and integrating seamlessly with other team activities and tools.

Replacement for Zoom Room & adding new link to your email signature 

Transition from your personal Zoom meeting room to Microsoft Teams, along with instructions for optimizing the URL to enhance its professional appearance in your email signature.

Navigating Teams invitations & creating Teams meetings using Outlook calendar

To navigate Teams invitations received via email and set up Teams meetings using Outlook Calendar. 

Locating recordings

How to Share Files via SharePoint 

This will show and explain how to effectively share recordings or files housed in SharePoint with staff or students, you can seamlessly distribute them through either SharePoint itself or directly within Microsoft Teams.

Teams vs Zoom & Notes on breakout rooms 

This comparison delves into Teams versus Zoom, highlighting renamed features that serve identical functions, alongside notes regarding breakout rooms within Teams.

Additional Info/Resources: 

See 'Related Articles' for additional information. Including How to see attendance reports on Teams and more!

Bonus Links:

Edit or delete a meeting transcript in Microsoft Teams

Change meeting save expiration time 

Submit a ticket using the Submit Request / Report Issue / Request a Team button. 



Article ID: 10923
Mon 7/15/24 1:48 PM
Thu 12/5/24 8:01 AM

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