SharePoint is a powerful system with many great features that assist with files and communication.
This article is intended to help with how to share files and folders to fit varying needs. The example is for Option 2.
OneDrive document sharing is in this same vein of instructions.
- Anyone - Request access to use this option. All links expire in 30 days if shared to Anyone. (this option is NOT available to all Teams. It IS available in OneDrive and Teams who request access and demonstrate the need.)
- People in SUNY Delhi - You must login with Delhi account to access. This does include students.
- People with exisiting access - The Team members of the Team the SharePoint is in
- People you choose - Share with specific people you choose inside or outside of SUNY Delhi, using their name, group, or email.
Share with 'People in SUNY Delhi'
- You should be in the SharePoint and in Documents under it in your web browser.
- Click the three dots by the folder or file you wish to share
- Click Copy link

- Your link is copied. To continue:
Click Settings

- Click People in SUNY Delhi
- Click Carrot and choose Can view or Can edit
- Block Download: Toggle Off or On
- Click Apply

- The new link is then copied for you.
- Share or post this link. Reminder: Intended user MUST be signed into the browser with SUNY Delhi account to access it.
Additional Info/Resources:
See 'Related Articles' for for additional information.
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