Wireless Devices in Academic Campus Buildings for Students, Faculty and Staff
The wireless network offers you the ability to bring your own device (BYOD) which means that you can easily self-register (only necessary one time) your mobile phone, tablet, laptop, game system, etc.
- Your BYOD devices will need to be connected to ‘DELHI-SECURE.'
- You will need to register your devices in order to have internet access.
- You will be able to manage your BYOD (bring your own device) from the 'Manage Your Devices ' link above.
What you will see
Wireless SSIDs that will be available are ‘DELHI-SECURE' and ‘DELHI-GUEST'
How to register your device
- Enter your Single Sign On Username and Password
User Name: Full email address
- *You must do this step to complete the process*
Open your browser - This should open the BYOD Registration page.
- If the page does not load: go to and it should load
- If it is not loading, manually register via Manage Your Devices
- Tap Start
Enter a Device Name (without any special characters)
Tap ‘Continue’
- iPhone & iPad MUST complete these steps:
- Open Settings
- Tap Wi-Fi
- Tap the information button
next to the network.
- Tap to turn Private Address OFF (it should NOT be green).
Campus-Owned Laptops
Campus-Owned laptops will connect to ‘DELHI-SECURE' automatically.
Departmental Guests
Departmental guests will connect to ‘DELHI-GUEST' but they MUST have a login to gain access. If you have guests visiting campus, you will still need to contact the Help Desk for a temporary login. *Guest accounts may only be requested by Faculty/Staff.
MyResnet WIFI
The wireless network in residential buildings will connect to MyResnet instead of Delhi-Secure.
- If you manually register a device under My Devices , it will always show as 'Pending.' This is the normal function of the system.
- If you have a Smart TV, Amazon Echo, etc. you will need to manually register your device and connect to DELHI-GUEST. Please note that we do not directly support these devices and cannot guarantee they will work.
- When you change your password you will need to update it on all your devices for your internet to work again.
Additional Info/Resources:
See 'Related Articles' for specific device instructions and Residence Hall wireless information