WiFi - Manage Your Devices & Manually Register


Got a new device? This page will walk a user on how to manage their devices connected to the Delhi-Secure network
Having issues adding a device normally? Complete the 'Add a device' steps to register instead. (Note: manually registered will always say 'Pending' - it is active!)


Accessing Your BYOD Management Portal

  1. Visit mydevices.delhi.edu
  2. Enter your Single Sign On username (Full email address) and your password
  3. When you log in your screen will look like this:

Add a Device

  1. On the main menu, click Add
  2. In 'Device ID', enter the MAC address of the device (Be sure to enter the colons)
  3. In 'Device Name', enter a relevant description for your device (ex: Laptop, iPhone, Tablet, etc..)
    NoteDevice Name CANNOT contain any special characters, punctuations, or spaces
  4. Press Submit
Edit a Description
Delete a Device

Additional Info/Resources: 

See 'Related Articles' for specific device instructions and wi-fi assistance