This page explains how to control a participants shared screen after they approve your access
Participant - Person whose screen you want to control
Host - Meeting host - person who will do the controlling once access is approved
**NOTE: The Main Host can make anyone in the meeting a Host (see instructions at bottom of page)
- Host: Click 'Start Meeting'
- Host: Click on up arrow next to 'Share' and be sure 'All Participants' is selected.

- Participant: Share their screen.
Host: Click 'View Options' in the condensed bar
Host: Click 'Request Remote Control'

- Host: Click 'Request'

- Participant: Click 'Approve'

Switching Host Instructions:
- In the Participants panel, select More next to the participant

- Choose Make Host.

Additional Info/Resources:
See 'Related Articles' for other Zoom information and help