CIS would like to remind you that we have to remain diligent about not falling for email Phishing scams. Bad guys are out there and we all play a role in securing the campus. The bullets below are examples to especially watch out for:
Type to watch out for:
- Must confirm email or will be locked out of Outlook account
- Urge you to update Outlook by clicking on a link that simply says “CLICK HERE”
- Threaten to lock Outlook accounts if we do not comply within 24 hours
- Dropbox files - sending you a file
- This one has been especially rampant, and will potentially send the same email to others, and get you account blocked, etc. (Don't worry, CIS can help, but we hope you don't fall victim to begin with!)
How can you tell if an email is safe?
The first thing to look for are red flags such as typos or poor grammar, an urgent demeanor, or even a spoofed domain. How can you truly decipher the safety of an email?
- Do you recognize the sender AND are you expecting an email from them?
- If you are not expecting an email from a known sender, you can always contact them to verify the validity of the message.
- Are they asking for your username and/or password?
- Delhi will NEVER request your password or any other personal identifying information via email
If you notice anything about the email that alarms you, do not click links, open attachments, or even reply. If everything seems okay, but you're still not sure–verify! Contact CIS to verify if necessary.
Additional Info/Resources:
Looking for some more information about Phishing?
Copy and paste this link into your browser:
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