WiFi - Connect to DELHI-SECURE - Mac Device



To connect a Mac Device to the 'DELHI-SECURE' network, follow the instructions below:


  1. Click the Wi-Fi icon on the upper-right corner of your desktop

  1. Enter your Single Sign On username (Full email address) and your password

  1. Click Continue in the pop-up window

  1. Verify that the computer is connected to Delhi-Secure
  2. Open a web browser and visit any website. You should be redirected to the following page:

Note Not getting the screen below? Visit test.com in your web browser

  1. Enter a name for your device and click Continue
  2. Your device should now be connected to Delhi-Secure

Additional Info/Resources: 

Need your Wi-Fi MAC Address to manually register?

  1. Click Network Preferences (refer to step one) 
  2. Click Advanced (On the bottom-right corner)
  3. Your Wi-Fi MAC Address is listed at the bottom of the pop-up window


See 'Related Articles' for other specific device instructions and wi-fi assistance



Article ID: 10766
Fri 8/4/23 2:49 PM
Tue 10/3/23 1:18 PM

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