Mobile printing is available in certain areas around campus.
These instructions are for everyone with a valid Delhi ID or Print Pay Card - Students, Faculty, Staff, Clubs, Guests
NoteQuestions related to print points and/or ID cards should be directed to CADI
- Visit
- Click MyDelhiStudent
Mobile User? Select the 3 bars on the top right corner and select MyDelhiStudent
- Click Bronco Print (left panel of page)

- For Select Your Branch, select the building you wish to print to
NoteIf your browser uses your location, this field may already auto-populate. Ensure the correct building is selected
- Click Upload a Document

- Enter your 800 number (OR the number on the Print Card you are using - ie: RA's, Guests, etc)
- Upload your document using one of the on-screen methods
- To print additional copies or front and back, select Additional Setting

- Click Submit
- Visit the printer location you chose, at the Swipe Release Station follow the on-screen instructions
- Generally, swipe your card, select your jobs, press 'Print'
Additional Info/Resources:
See 'Related Articles' for other printing assistance